Unlike the theory of evolution, this origin theory is not widely accepted in the mainstream scientific community or institutions and it’s often discarded as myth by mainstream scientists [1]. Its idea was originally founded in ancient religions all over the world it was the original and once dominate origin theory and can pretty much be found in every traditional religion of today (the exact opposite origin of scientific-founded Evolution though later due to scientific observation this origin theory was rediscovered in science)[2]. It’s also not widely accepted in the western world (or eastern) as the true origin of the universe. Still however, some scientists/people believe this origin theory over evolution. Many that do believe it, think it to be more accurate and the real origin of the world/universe than Evolution; it is also still widely accepted in the world in more traditional religious areas/local groups all around the world as the true origin over evolution… so could this origin be truer than the more widely accepted one?
The theory of intelligent design:
What it claims
Unlike Evolution, this theory doesn’t really have a very consistent story, this is because religion to religion to even Creationists scientists all have widely varying different stories about what happened to bring about the universe and why and also Intelligent design is not necessarily about an origin story but is at its core more about explaining a scientific observation than origin story [3]. But fortunately all of them usually have a basic common origin story that defines what I.D. origin is all about. So this is a basic summary of what all different Intelligent Design Origin stories teach: this is the most basic common origin story that explains the core of I.D.:
Creationism basically states that there was nothing in existence but then somewhere between +1,000,000,000(or so) to 6,000 years ago a/some powerful supernatural intelligent being(s) existed or came into being by his/hers/Its/their own power. The being(s) then created (wherever intentionally or accidentally) the entire universe: Earth, Stars, Sun, Moon and all planets in the universe. On earth, the supernatural being(s) created all land, water, air, plants, and animals in some way or another. And finally in some way the Being(s) created humans; Once the intelligent being(s) created humans they were instructed to serve and worship the intelligent being(s) and also instructed on how to properly live based off this: Humans then begin to refer to the/these supernatural creative being(s) as God(s) and gave them the highest honor in their societies. In some way or other, all Ancient humans began to record (either by local writing or oral tradition or both) This/These supernatural being(s) and their historic creation of all things in the form of origin myths according to their understanding or culture [Note:3]. This formed into different religions on how to serve and worship The Being(s) based on culture/civilization, and then humans eventually formed into nations and the rest is (Literally) history.[4]
“Creationism” comes from “Create/Design” or “To make something new” This describes this origin theory in a nutshell: From the very beginning of the universe to right now, every single thing has been either directly or indirectly created by the intelligent designer(s) who purposefully created the universe.[5]
So what does creationism mean for your personal worldview?
What it means for you is this:
Everything that you know, love, and hate in the world and universe was all created (directly or indirectly) by an/the intelligent creator(s). Since everything was created on purpose and you as an individual human are also made by a/the intelligent creator(s), and therefore The intelligent Creator(s) desire you to serve him/her/it/their will, and do his/hers/its/their bidding and obey him/her/it/their commands for you. Therefore there is an ultimate set standard for right and wrong and you are to obey those commands and live by them.
This leads to almost all religious worldviews that tell more about the/these creator God(s) and how exactly the universe was created more specifically what they require from you. As an individual human being this is your greatest purpose in life and what you do now might very well affect you after you die: in a continuing life after you die called “the afterlife”[6].
So since we have gone over all the origins worldviews we now are ready for testing!
[A] All ancient religious origin stories
For Example the Ancient Egyptian origin story:
THE EGYPTIAN CREATION MYTH by May 17, 2011 by Fiona Passantino
[B] Intelligent Design “Not By Chance” by STEPHEN C. MEYER (originally in the December 1, 2005 edition of “the National Post of Canada”)
No official Science or History book used in public school ever teaches creationism (At least this is the authors experience in the matter)
The individual origin myths of religions may or may not be seen as so truthful while other origin stories of other religions might be seen as closer to the truth depending on the religion/personal belief of the viewer taking/looking at them and may even see all ancient origin myths as corruption from the original event. Either way all origin myths were at least inspired by the actual creation event in the theory of I.D.
[A] All Religion origin stories and modern I.D. Scientists origin theories/thoughts
[B]Intelligent Design “What Is Intelligent Design?” by CASEY LUSKIN, PHD
[C] Encyclopedia Britannica “Intelligent design” by Thomas F. Glick 28 Feb. 2017
Merriam-Webster “create”
Merriam-Webster “afterlife”